Safety Alert 024: Baxi and Potterton Heat Only – Condensate Trap
Baxi and Potterton Heat Only – Condensate Trap. Date issued: August 2017. Developed with Baxi Heating UK Limited.
This Safety Alert provides guidance to Gas Safe registered businesses/engineers about a boiler safety concern relating to specific Baxi and Potterton heat-only gas boilers. It has been identified that, under certain fault conditions, products of combustion can be released from the condensate trap connection.
It has come to the attention of Baxi Heating UK Limited (Baxi) that on specific heat-only boilers manufactured with a condensate trap positioned on the outside of the boiler, an unusual combination of factors occurring simultaneously (fault-on-fault condition) could give rise to a safety concern.
The probability of this situation occurring is very low and a recent risk analysis undertaken by Baxi has highlighted that, under these rare circumstances, there is a potential risk of products of combustion being released into the adjacent living space as the seal between the condensate trap and boiler is not contained by the outer case.
This notice only relates to the heat-only boilers listed in the Boiler Identification Table, manufactured between week 17 of 2014 and week 24 of 2017. These can be identified by the modification level of the serial number.
An example of the serial number format is shown below. Modification levels AC and BC require action; CC does not.
The concern identified relates to the removal and refitting of the condensate trap when commissioning and/or servicing the boiler. Through continuous field monitoring, it came to the attention of Baxi that the condensate trap retaining clip can be subject to undue stress if removal or refitting of the retaining clip is not in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and/ or the condensate pipework has not been installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
This has the potential to subject the condensate trap retaining clip to undue strain or deformation and could result in the retaining clip not being positively engaged on the condensate trap ‘lugs’ provided (Figure 1 opposite). While the probability of this combination of factors occurring is very low, Baxi considers that it is important to share this information in order to ensure optimum safety.
Baxi has decided to modify the condensate trap retaining clip to minimise the risks associated with the removal and refitting of the retaining clip not being carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. This change was made from week 24 of 2017 as part of Baxi’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and ensuring that the highest possible safety and reliability standards continue to be met.
Immediate Action
Baxi will arrange to supply a replacement condensate trap retaining clip assembly completely free of charge* to all boilers with an AC or BC modification level, as identified in the Boiler Identification Table.
When undertaking work on these boilers, Gas Safe registered engineers are advised to pay particular attention to the following details, as this issue may not be immediately apparent.
When attending a heat-only boiler listed in the Boiler Identification Table, first check to see if the modification level of the serial number is in the identified range. The serial number is located on the boiler data plate and/or serial number/ information label. An example showing details of the year and week of manufacture and modification level is shown in the Boiler Identification Table in this Safety Alert.
Remember: Boilers with a modification level of AC or BC are the only ones that require action.
If the boiler is found to have a modification level of AC or BC, check the condensate trap retaining clip. The condensate trap and retaining clip are located on the base of the boiler behind the User Interaction Controller/control panel (Figure 3). Removal of the User Interaction Controller/control panel facilitates inspection of the condensate trap retaining clip.
If it is the original type (Figure 1), follow the Actions opposite. Baxi recommends that all condensate retaining clips of the original type (Figure 1) are exchanged, irrespective of their current condition.
If it is the new type (Figure 2), no further action is required under this Safety Alert. However, all boiler checks in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (GSIUR) 26(9)(1) must be completed and any subsequent actions applied as appropriate.
- If the boiler has modification level AC or BC and the condensate trap retaining clip is the original type (Figure 1), a new condensate trap retaining clip assembly should be fitted. If a replacement clip assembly is not available during the inspection, the original trap and retaining clip should be checked to ensure it is fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and, a free of charge* replacement retaining clip assembly should be obtained and fitted at your earliest convenience.
- If a combustion analysis check is required as a result of any work undertaken, please refer to the appropriate installation and service instructions for guidance. If the customer does not have the installation and service instructions to hand, they can be found at www.baxi.co.uk/literaturelibrary.htm
- If combustion performance is not in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, take the appropriate actions as defined in the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure GSIUP(2) (see Technical Bulletin TB 001).
For technical assistance, please call the free Baxi dedicated helpline on 0800 169 5376.
Any Gas Safe registered businesses/engineers identifying a condensate trap retaining clip assembly that needs replacing in accordance with the above should request a free of charge* replacement and arrange to fit it at their earliest convenience.
To request a free-of-charge* replacement condensate trap retaining clip assembly (part number 7684381), please contact the free helpline on 0800 169 5376 or email safetyalert024@baxi.co.uk.
To obtain the free-of-charge replacement clip assembly, the Gas Safe registered engineer will be required to provide the following information:
Product information:
- Boiler make and model
- Boiler serial number
- Boiler installation date
Installation address details:
- Customer name
- Customer full address
- Customer contact telephone number(s)
- Customer email address
Gas Safe registration details:
- Company name
- Company Gas Safe registration number
- Gas Safe operative registration number
Baxi Heating UK Limited contact details:
- Dedicated Helpline 0800 169 5376 (Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm)
- Dedicated email address safetyalert024@baxi.co.uk
- Website: www.baxi.co.uk
- Website (literature): www.baxi.co.uk/literaturelibrary.htm
Baxi Heating UK Limited appreciates your anticipated assistance in this matter and wishes to thank you for your co-operation.
*Only the condensate trap retaining clip assembly will be supplied free of charge. Any other product(s) and/or remedial work required will be subject to Baxi Heating UK Limited’s usual charges. Baxi Heating UK Limited’s standard terms and conditions apply at all times (available to view at www.baxi. co.uk/about-baxi/warrantyterms-and-conditions.htm) and all rights are reserved without limitation.
1) The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998
2) TB 001: Gas Industry Unsafes Situation Procedure
Note: Gas Safe Register Technical Bulletins and the Legislative, Normative & Informative Document List can be viewed by logging into your online account at: https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/sign-in