Industry Standard Update 080
Industry Standard Update 080:
The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure – IGEM/G/11. Date issued March 2018.
This Industry Standard Update provides an overview and highlights areas of significant change in the recently published version of The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure – IGEM/G/11.
During March 2018, IGEM published a revision to the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure, IGEM/G/11(1). The revised procedure supersedes The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure – Edition 7.1(2), which has been withdrawn.
IGEM/G/11 the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure is owned and published by IGEM.
The requirements of this revised industry procedure come into effect immediately.
To allow registered businesses time to implement the necessary processes and procedures, and also to carry out the necessary internal update training to reflect the technical requirements of the amended procedure, Gas Safe Register will inspect to this version of the procedure from 1 September 2018. However, this should not restrict businesses from applying the procedure sooner.
The following is a brief overview of the amendments to IGEM/G/11 the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure.
IGEM/G/11 has been revised throughout to update terms, references to legislation and other standards. The layout has been revised to maintain consistency with other published IGEM guidance documents.
Section 9 Table 1
Table Reference 7.13
This table reference has been revised and states: “An appliance with overheat protection and no effective pressure relief; or an appliance without overheat protection and no effective pressure relief.” The guidance provided in IGEM/G/11 is that this situation should be classified as At Risk.
Appendix 5: Visual risk assessment of gas appliances
This Appendix has been revised to help provide guidance on legal requirements.
Table 3 has been included in this section and details the recommended minimum requirements to enable compliance with the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (HSWA)(3) and the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (GSIUR)(4) that will need to be considered when carrying out a visual inspection of an existing gas appliance(s).
As previously stated, this Industry Standard Update is only a brief overview of the changes contained in the revised Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure. Registered businesses should be aware that they have a responsibility to ensure that they are fully apprised of all of the requirements of the whole published procedure and its practical application.
IGEM/G/11 the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure can be viewed by logging into your online account at https://www.gassaferegister.co.uk/sign-in/
(1) IGEM/G/11 – The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure
(2) TB 001 The Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure Version 7.1
(3) The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
(4) The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2018
Download Industry Standard Update 080 here.