Have your say on increasing role of hydrogen
The government is asking for views on increasing the amount of hydrogen in the gas network with a consultation on blending.
Hydrogen currently makes up around 0.1 per cent of the gas used in homes and businesses: but proposals could see the volume of hydrogen in the network increase gradually over time, up to a maximum of 20 per cent.
The blending of hydrogen with natural gas in the network could boost hydrogen production. Views from industry and consumer groups – combined with forthcoming advice from HSE – will help inform next steps on the use of hydrogen, including through blending.
The government previously explored the potential strategic role of hydrogen blending as part of the consultation on Hydrogen Transport and Storage Infrastructure in 2022. It is now seeking further views on hydrogen blending’s potential strategic and economic value and lead options for its implementation, if enabled. This will help to inform a strategic policy decision on whether to support blending of up to 20 per cent hydrogen by volume.
Energy Minister Lord Callanan said: “We want to capture the full economic potential that comes with using hydrogen as a cleaner, reliable energy source – with the opportunity to create tens of thousands of new skilled jobs.
“Blending hydrogen into our gas supply through existing gas infrastructure would open the doors to an expansion of its use as a fuel, one that could help us cut emissions and stabilise bills for families and businesses.”
The consultation is the next step in government’s plans to reach 10GW of hydrogen production capacity by 2030. The consultation is open until 27 October 2023.