Don’t cut corners with gas: it’s common sense, says Gloria
On radio: trusted broadcaster Gloria Hunniford reminds listeners never to cut corners with gas
Over three-quarters of people cut corners in all sorts of ways, says Gas Safe Register – and not having enough time in our busy lives is the main reason why. But cutting corners with gas can cost lives, and Gas Safe Register’s ongoing advertising and marketing campaign has been continuing to reach families across the country.
Last month (February) saw a new dimension when media personalities added their support in the form of Jeff Brazier, celebrity dad and social media influencer, and Gloria Hunniford, the well-known, respected consumer advocate and presenter of BBC1’s Rip Off Britain.
The personalities have backed the campaign in different ways: Jeff’s a recognisable and trusted figure among responsible families, who are high users of social media. Jeff has created a series of short films in which the busy dad talks about those areas where he does cut corners in his own life – but that he would never cut corners with gas.
Gloria is instantly recognisable and trusted, with a long career as a TV and radio journalist and consumer rights champion. Her interview with Gas Safe Register’s Head of Communications, Scott Darroch, reached millions of radio listeners across the country, bringing to life the times when taking the path of common sense and safety is crucial instead of cutting corners.
The latest phase of the Don’t Cut Corners campaign adds even more momentum to the always-on campaign that’s been running since late 2018. Millions of people have seen the eye-catching TV, print, online and outdoor ads, reminding them to never cut corners with gas and to find their expert with Gas Safe Register.
Scott Darroch says: “People lead busy lives and Gas Safe Register has been working hard to make sure that our Don’t Cut Corners campaign reaches our target audiences wherever they are – whether that’s through radio, TV, online, print or on social media.
“We know that people know and trust Gloria and Jeff and listen to what they say. We’ve been focused on resonating with audiences in the right way to make sure that people know that they should find their expert at Gas Safe Register.”