Surprise stall in greenhouse gas emissions
Global emissions of carbon dioxide from the energy sector stalled in 2014, thanks partly to China’s changing energy consumption habits.
It is the first time in 40 years that such a halt to greenhouse gas emissions has not been tied to an economic downturn, the International Energy Association (IEA) said, publishing the data.
“This gives me even more hope that humankind will be able to work together to combat climate change, the most important threat facing us today,” said IEA chief economist Fatih Birol,
China is burning less coal, moving to more generation of electricity from renewable sources, including hydropower, solar and wind. OECD economies too have made shifts to greater energy efficiency and more renewable energy, says the IEA.
Energy and Climate Change Secretary Ed Davey said: “These figures show that green growth is achievable not just for Britain but for the world. However we cannot be complacent – we need to dramatically cut emissions, not just stop their growth.
“Getting a new global climate deal is absolutely vital, and the year ahead is going to be of critical importance. The UK must stay the course and continue to show strong, decisive leadership in Europe and globally.”