Reminder on defect notices
When does Gas Safe Register issue a defect notice?
During an inspection, where the inspector identifies that an installation has not been carried out in accordance with the relevant industry standards and/or the manufacturer’s instructions.
Where there is evidence to support attributing defects to a registered business, the Register will issue a defect notice along with a timescale within which the defects should be corrected.
How is this managed?
When an inspector identifies defects that are attributable to a registered business, a report will be sent to the business, via your preferred method of contact. A defect due date will be assigned to the defect within the inspection report: the usual timeframe is around 17 days.
If you are not present during an inspection, the Register will endeavour to make you aware of its findings before it sends a report: therefore, it is essential to make sure that your details are up to date.
Your responsibility
Once you have completed the required defects, you must contact Gas Safe Register to confirm that the work has been rectified as directed within the inspection report.
What if I can’t gain access to the property to rectify the defects in the timeframe given?
If you can’t arrange to rectify the defects, please contact Gas Safe Register to explain what actions you have taken.
What if I disagree with the defects issued against me?
Contact Gas Safe Register and ask to speak to your inspector or their manager.
What if I do not complete the defective work within the specified timeframe?
If you fail to complete the rectification work associated with attributable gas safety defects without proper justification, the Sanctions Policy will apply. This usually results in being suspended from the Register until the outstanding work has been rectified.
If the defective work is related to an installation where a self-certified Building Regulations compliance certificate has been issued via Gas Safe Register, the certificate may be withdrawn.
You can see all Gas Safe Register’s published policies at: www.GasSafeRegister.co.uk/policies