Households rise to the lower flow temperature challenge
More than 210,000 households have taken up Nesta’s money-saving boiler challenge, saving an average of £112 a year.
In October 2022 Nesta, the UK’s innovation agency, launched the Money Saving Boiler Challenge to inspire UK households to turn down their boiler flow temperature. The aim was to encourage people to use its online tool that takes them through the steps needed to turn their boiler flow temperature down to 60°C or below.
In partnership with Which?, EDF, Eon Next, Octopus Energy, OVO Energy, the Heating Hub, Energy UK and the National Residential Landlords Association, the campaign received the backing of Money Saving Expert and Martin Lewis, along with local authorities, housing associations and green groups across the UK. The tip also features in the government’s Help for Households campaign.
Since the campaign launch, more 210,000 people have used the online tool, lowered their boiler flow temperature, saving around £22 million off energy bills and 34,000 tonnes of CO2 per year (an average saving of £112 and 173kg of CO2 per household).
In February 2023, the Office of National Statistics reported that 27 per cent of people turned down their flow temperature in the previous month, up from 11 per cent last year. Nesta says nearly half of those who saw its ads took an action towards boiler optimisation, reflecting that households are looking for ways to make their heating work more efficiently.
You can find out more about the evidence behind this advice here and you can show your customers how they can reduce their flow themselves at: www.moneysavingboilerchallenge.com