Get free touch screen gloves from Testo
Testo is offering free touch screen gloves to help gas engineers in the UK stay safe as they return to work.
Any engineer who registers to receive the Testo newsletter will receive a free pair of gloves, which Testo says can help decrease the risk of spreading or contracting COVID-19 when used correctly. The offer is available within the UK only.
Gas engineers who work primarily in other people’s homes are also being advised to take a number of steps to keep themselves and their customers safe:
- Discuss with the householder how work will be carried out to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19. This could include agreeing on a fixed time of work, maintaining social distancing, and asking those within the home to stay in a different room where possible
- On the day of work, call the homeowner to ensure no occupants have symptoms of COVID-19 or are self-isolating
- Plan ahead and ensure you are bringing all of the correct tools and equipment, to minimise the amount of time/number of visits at the property
- Do not shake hands and avoid unnecessary contact with homeowners and their belongings. Clean any objects and surfaces you have touched
- Wear PPE. Wearing a mask will decrease your risk of spreading or contracting covid-19, gloves may also help when used appropriately (though this is not a substitute for regular hand washing).
To register for the Testo newsletter and receive your free gloves, sign up online at https://www.testo.com/en-UK/company/newsletter-sign-up