Next-level thermography from Testo
Testo has brought out a new range of thermal imaging cameras, suitable for every job.
The new models – the 865s, 868s, 871s and 872s – provide auto and manual control of thermal scale and span, and all images are captured with high clarity. Resolution is up to 320 x 240 pixels, and the company’s SuperResolution technology allows up to 640 x 480 pixels. There’s also a thermal sensitivity (NETD) for temperature differences as low as 0.05°C.
The 868s, 871s and 872s models integrate into your work using smart connectivity with wireless Testo devices such as the 605i thermohygrometer. And the free Testo thermography app means you can use your smartphone or tablet as a secondary screen and create reports on site.
A new quick select button and modern tile layout makes navigating your thermal imaging camera even easier and helps to avoid measurement errors, with automatic detection of hot and cold spots.