A construction worker sitting alone looking at this phone, indicating loneliness or mental health issues

Mental Health Hub for tradespeople at Toolfair show

The Toolfair show is launching a dedicated mental health hub at its Exeter show later this month (September).

The hub aims to encourage conversation, offer support and potentially save lives. In the male-dominated construction industry, men are three times more likely than women to take their own lives and two people in this sector die by suicide every day.

Nine in 10 trade workers say they don’t know how to access mental health support services, which is why the Toolfair Show is debuting its designated Mental Health Hub at the Westpoint Arena, Exeter, on 27-28 September. The show is free to attend for anyone working in the construction industry.

Toolfair brings together industry experts, brands and products under one roof. This year, the focus extends beyond tools and equipment, with a particular emphasis on addressing growing mental health issues within the trade.

For more information on the mental health hub and to get free tickets for Toolfair, visit: https://toolfair.info/exeter/

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