‘Like a Bosch’ brings low-carbon heating to life
Worcester Bosch’s new “Like a Bosch” campaign aims to empower consumers to make the change to lower-carbon heating. It showcases heat pumps, hybrid systems and hydrogen-ready boilers, accompanied by a catchy song.
A cast of characters play their part in turning to responsible home heating solutions as well as responsible heat puppet pals. Ronnie the Raccoon stars alongside a heating engineer fitting a greener home heating system, while Bernie and Beatrice Bee get a buzz from energy-saving, and the Barnes-Owls love to help energy efficiency soar.
Marketing director Victoria Billings says: “We are so proud of our new Like a Bosch campaign. It is our responsibility to raise awareness and help inform consumers of their greener heating choices. This campaign aims to do that in acreative and fun way that draws attention to such an important topic.
“Our commitment to helping educate and support both consumers and installers is central to our goal of creating a greener future.”