Earn loyalty points faster with Ideal’s Fast Track Promotion
The new Fast Track 2025 is Ideal Heating’s biggest loyalty promotion to date, giving you the chance to earn up to 2,025 additional Connect points
From now until 31 March, you can gain extra Connect points by registering your installations of Logic Max or Vogue Max boilers and Logic Air or HP290 heat pumps:
• Register 5 products to earn 675 additional Connect points
• Register 10 products to earn another 675 additional points, reaching a total of 1,350
• Register 15 products to secure a final 675 points, bringing the maximum achievable additional Connect points to 2,025.
This bonus is awarded in addition to the regular points you already earn through the Connect scheme. All qualifying members will have their points credited as soon as they meet each milestone.
Head of marketing Luke Pykett says: “This new initiative is designed to kickstart the New Year for our valued Connect members. The faster you register our products, the quicker you fast track your additional rewards.”
Points can be redeemed for rewards including tech, tools, business support packages and cash.
“With our Fast Track 2025 campaign and our Premier Club to look forward to, we’re delivering unbeatable loyalty offers in what is sure to be another rewarding year for our installers,” adds Luke.
You must be a member of the Connect platform to take part in the Fast Track 2025 promotion.