Baxi foodbank

Banking on Baxi for help

Baxi employees have been collecting food to help people in crisis in the run-up to Christmas for the past few years.

But now, as well as collecting more than 60kg of food for Warwick and Leamington Foodbank, Baxi has gone one step further and is providing secure storage for at least 400 crates of food in its warehouse.

Andy Bower, operations manager, Warwick and Leamington Foodbank, says: “As the number of people we help increases, the need for storage space is also increasing. This generous offer from Baxi means that we are able to have just one central off-site storage area rather than using four, much smaller sites.”

The secure area in Baxi’s warehouse has been made possible thanks to the dedication of senior stock controller Karen Bell. She raised the money to buy the caging needed by selling scrap metal that had been cluttering up the warehouse.

“It made perfect sense,” she says. “We are pleased to offer this space in our warehouse for a cause that is very dear to all of us at Baxi. We needed to get rid of the rubbish, and we were delighted to be able to use the money it raised to buy purpose-made fencing to make the area secure.”

Warwick and Leamington Foodbank is helps about 225 local people in crisis each month, which equates to giving out 400-450kg of food.   “We really appreciate the help that Baxi has given us to make our job a bit easier,” says Andy.


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