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The new RGE app

The all-new Registered Gas Engineer app is ready to download now for Android and Apple devices. It’s exclusively for Gas Safe registered engineers; it’s free and packed full of the latest news, technical and safety information.

Easier, faster, better

The new app is user-friendly, especially if you’re reading it while you’re out at work or away from home. You can browse the past 12 issues of the magazine with a tap and a swipe, choose multiple reading views and text size, jump to specific pages or use the search tool to find the exact information you need, instantly.

The menu enables you to create bookmarks, access downloaded content to view offline, or print specific pages.

It’s also a new way to stay up to date with the latest news and jobs. The scrolling news feed has all the headlines, with the full story just a tap away.

As well as all the news and past year’s editions, you’ll find day-to-day essential safety documents in the Technical section. We’ve started you off with the Gas Industry Unsafe Situations Procedure, the Gas Engineer’s Guide to RIDDOR, and Technical Bulletin 008 – Flues in Voids. These documents will be here permanently so that you can refer to them when you need to – and we’ll add to this section on a regular basis, so please let us know what you’d like to see included.

Note: Please delete any previous version of the Registered Gas Engineer app. This is no longer supported and has been removed from app stores.

When you open the app for the first time, you’ll need to register your phone or tablet using your Gas Safe registration details. You can use either your Gas Safe Register online account log-in details, or tap the Engineers button at the bottom of your screen to enter your ID card and registration numbers.

Note: You only have to register your device the first time you use the app. Make sure you grant permissions to the app to access your mobile device.

At the top of the screen you can swipe to see the past 12 months’ editions of Registered Gas Engineer magazine. Tap the cover of the edition you want to read, or press Download to save the edition to your mobile device.  The Menu button lets you view and download the latest edition as well as search for the information you’re looking for.

At the bottom of your screen are scrolling News and Jobs feeds: just tap to see the latest news and career opportunities.

Download Registered Gas Engineer for Android 

Download Registered Gas Engineer for Apple

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